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Neil Cartlidge (Durham): Konfrontationen in mittelalterlicher Kultur

Wann 24.07.2014
von 12:15 bis 14:00
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Am 24, Juli findet der letzte FRIAS Lunch Lecture mit Prof. Dr. Neil Cartlidge (FRIAS External Senior Fellow, Leverhulme Research Fellow, Department of English Studies, Durham University, UK) zum Thema: "Konfrontationen in mittelalterlicher Kultur: Warum die Eule und die Nachtigall streiten müssen" statt.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Kortmann, Direktor des FRIAS, sagt über die Lunch Lectures:
"The aim of this lecture series is to make our external fellows “accessible” for the university students (down to the BA level). Thus, the content of these lectures is of a broader nature, depicting the fellow’s field of research, but also scratching some more general issues of conducting science. The FRIAS lunch lecture series is offered to anyone interested in what is going on at the Institute of Advanced Study."


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